Photographer Smita Sharma's book We Cry in Silence

We Cry in Silence Book Cover.png
We Cry in Silence Book Cover.png
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Photographer Smita Sharma's book We Cry in Silence


FotoEvidence's generous donation to The Newswomen's Club of New York Photo Show & Auction includes: 

Photographer Smita Sharma's book We Cry in Silence

'We Cry In Silence' is my eight-year long investigation on cross-border trafficking of minor girls across India, Bangladesh and Nepal for sex work and domestic servitude. The project unveils the vulnerability of these girls and highlights the reasons of what make them easy preys to the designs of the traffickers. The goal is to scrutinize and try to understand this complex global issue and to open a dialogue that would hopefully galvanize more people to work towards some solutions.

Retail value: $50.00

FotoEvidence Bio: Established in 2020 in Montpellier, France the FotoEvidence Association works at the intersection of human rights and photography through the FotoEvidence Book Award and the FotoEvidence W Award for a woman photographer. The organization aims to expand and support the work of FotoEvidence, a publishing house established in 2010, dedicated to documentary photography focused on human rights and social and ecological justice. Originally based in Brooklyn, New York, FotoEvidence now operates from the village of Marseillan in Herault, France.

Our mission is to draw attention to injustice, oppression and assaults on human dignity through the lens of photographers working in the humanistic tradition. FotoEvidence books focus on the most pressing social and environmental justice issues of our time—from genocide to global warming. They are published to inspire social change, to expose injustice, to create enduring evidence and call for accountability.
FotoEvidence publishes the work of the award winners in high-quality, hardbound photo books. The FotoEvidence Book Award winner and two finalists are exhibited at the FotoEvidence Book Award exhibit at the Bronx Documentary Center in New York, and at the International Month of Photojournalism Festival in Padua, Italy, as well as other venues depending on the photographer and the issue addressed.

Images alone will not change the world, so the FotoEvidence Association often collaborates with advocacy organizations whose participation increases the impact of the photography. FotoEvidence has worked with Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Fortify Rights, The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, ChildFund Australia, World Vision and several other international NGOs working on children’s health, women’s rights, indigenous rights and human rights in general.

FotoEvidence website:

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