2019 Entry Information and Contest Rules
Entries must be received no later than Monday, September 2, 2019. Entries must have been published or broadcast between September 1, 2018 and August 31, 2019.
Entrants must be newswomen who are staff or freelance and based in the New York metropolitan area.
If a contest submission contains multiple bylines that include the entrant and the names of male colleagues, a letter from the supervising editor of the piece must accompany the entry. The letter must state why, specifically, the newswomen on the project played a more significant role in the research, writing and execution of the work being submitted.
An entry may NOT be submitted in more than one category except when entered separately by different talents on the creation team. For example, in the online category, an entry may be submitted by a reporter for one of the online Multimedia News Package awards. The same entry may also be entered by the videographer on the team for one of the Digital Video awards.
Once an entry has been submitted, the accompanying entry form may not be revised at the request of entrants or entrants’ representatives except to correct any misspelling.
Any corrections or legal challenges to an entry must be included as part of the submission. In the case of a correction or legal issue, the assigning editor must include a letter explaining the context.
Online entries must have been created for use in electronic form; material written for print publication and reused on the Internet is NOT eligible.
All submissions must be entered as published, with no alterations of the original work.
An entry submitted in an incorrect category will be reclassified by the judges.
Judges will consider planning and general organization of an entry, initiative in obtaining the story, news writing, readability and impact. They will also consider originality, creativity, content organization, clarity of message and appropriateness to audience.
Each entry requires a separate entry fee of $100. Fees may be paid using the form below. Fees must be paid at the time of submission. Entries without entry fees will not be considered. Entry fees are not refundable.
After September 2, 2019, the work is before a judge and the entrant is prohibited from making any changes or including additional bylines to the submission. Doing so can result in the immediate disqualification of the entry.
The Newswomen’s Club reserves the right to decline an award in any category at the judges’ recommendation.
Winning entries may be posted on the Newswomen’s Club website and may be included in Club publications regarding the Front Page Awards.
Winners will be honored at the annual Front Page Awards Gala at the Down Town Association on November 7, 2019. Individual tickets and tables can be reserved by contacting events@newswomensclubnewyork.com.